TMS motor mapping
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in combination with MRI guided neuronavigation can be used to study cerebral, spinal and peripheral pathways. We offer (r)TMS machines and neuronavigation (Neural Navigator) separately as well as complete solutions for MRI guided neuronavigation in combination with (r)TMS for research and/or treatment of stroke patients in your clinic. The complete solution is CE certified for clinical use in the EU and FDA cleared for clinical use in the USA.

TMS motor mapping in stroke
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to non-invasively induce a current and generate neuronal activity within the primary motor cortex. The neuronal activation travels through the corticospinal tract and the peripheral nervous system to finally elicit activity in various muscles, depending on the exact location of stimulation. The electrical …

EM versus optical tracking in neuronavigation
During neuronavigation, the 3D position and angle of the TMS coil, a digitizing stylus and the head of the patient typically must be known at all times. Position tracking can be performed either using optical tracking with large cameras, or electromagnetic (EM) tracking based on a DC pulsed magnetic field …